February 23, 2023: cheap wind needs more government aid. Wind is dead.
January 18, 2022: social media; nice graphic.
January 2, 2022: UC Berkeley Tahoe Snow Lab; on top of Donner Summer. Link here.
January 1, 2022: the uselessness of solar energy. The weird obsession with solar regardless of latitude (Germany) was one of the biggest clues that energy policy is being made by morons -- Twain's Mustache.
January 1, 2022, from Bjorn Lomborg:
December 25, 2021, twitter: Kosovo, poorest nation in Europe, is now experiencing rolling blackouts (part of the European energy crisis); Kosovo has planned to build a coal plant in 2018, but the World Bank would not support.
December 25, 2021, twitter: Roger Pielke, Jr, on twitter, using EIA data:
- US, population: 330 million; 599 coal plants
- African continent, population: 1.3 billion; 36 coal plants
- statista: number of US coal plants by country, link here;
December 25, 2021, twitter: Tom Nelson on twitter:
"Wait, so CO2 changes *follow* temperature changes?!: "as temperatures fell and the Earth experienced an ice age, greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere went down. Once the climate began to warm again as part of this cycle, CO2 began to rise."
Feedback mechanism. Cold water holds more CO2.
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