Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Why Natural Immunity May Not Prevent Another Covid-19 Infection -- November 23, 2021

Readers have sent me the link to this headline / story and asked where the science is to explain this? 

Why "natural immunity" doesn't protect you as well as the Covid vaccines?

The article actually explains it:

  • degree of immunity from a very, very mild disease may be inadequate for future exposure; and,
  • the issue of variants

But I think there may be more. This is a very interesting virus. It seems with every study we are learning more about the virus.

This is not the first virus in which natural immunity doesn't prevent against future disease.

Exhibit A: chickenpox.

This is well known. A simple search of the internet will provide the answer: 

Once you've had chickenpox, it's likely you'll stay immune for life. This means you're unlikely to catch the infection again and won't spread it to others. It's possible to get chickenpox again, usually if your first infection was very mild.

So, the science is there. 

But, in fact, there's more.

Even if "immune" from chickenpox, you can "get it again." Just in a different form.

"Everyone" in the US has had chickenpox (varicella) and "everyone" has natural immunity to chickenpox. 

But yet, it is recommended that "seniors" get the chickenpox / varicella / shingles Zostavax vaccine.

So, if "everyone" in the US has natural immunity against chickenpox, why are seniors told to get the "chickenpox" vaccine?
It's related to neurology.
Hold that thought.
With regard to  Covid-19 what is the most distinguishing (and unusual) feature about the disease caused by Covid?

I'll stop here and let folks see if they can connect the dots.

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